Spanish Language Tutoring
Acquiring a new language requires a lot of practice, and often times, one-on-one or small-group instruction. Our tutoring model has been created to adapt to the particular learning style and learning needs of each person. We employ highly effective tutoring strategies, and we customize these strategies to the person’s learning style and academic needs.
Tutoring Strategies:
• Set a specific, attainable goal
• Identify what the person knows, needs to improve on, or doesn’t know without a formal pre-assessment
• Mini Lesson
• Teaching the importance of spending time doing “extended practice” instead of homework
• Distributed practice
• Interleaved practice
• Practice testing
Tutoring Options
Option 1: One-on-One Tutoring
Take advantage of the most effective way of improving your language skills by meeting one-on-one with a Spanish tutor for 60 minutes, once a week.
Number of participants: 1
Session Length: 60 minutes
Tuition: $40
Option 2: Small group tutoring
An effective way of improving your language skills by meeting as a small-group with a Spanish tutor for 90 minutes, once a week.
Number of participants: 4-6
Session Length: 90 minutes
Tuition: $28 per participants
Special considerations: Participants should be taking the same Spanish level course or be identified using other measures as being at the same skill level.
We look forward to having the opportunity to provide you with the best tutoring experience! If you have any questions or need additional information feel free to contact us at (503) 704-0834 or email us at
Noelia Ruiz
Director of Operations